Wednesday, June 17, 2015

June 15, 2015


cutting Ricardo's hair, President and I in the bus taking the tithing to the bank!

Hey family, this week was good.  We've been working hard here and having a good time, this week we were able to bring 8 people to church and Ricardo, our recent convert) received the priesthood! So that's was good, there definitely never is a boring moment here in the branch! This Sunday a dog came into the church during the prayer and ran up on the stand and everything haha and we gave talks again this week in the sacrament meeting.  We had 37 people go on Sunday so that's better, my birthday was just another day, walked a ton, up some mountains, ate some soup, soaked up the sun, just the normal, but on Sunday, a family gave me a cake!!  We have some really cool investigators right now that are progressing very well! We have some baptisms coming up this week and next week!  Anyways just enjoying the time I have left here! Anyways, hope you all have a great week!!

Love Elder Jacob Johnson

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

June 8, 2015

Ricardo's baptism

Hey family, this week was great we had a baptism on Saturday, Ricardo got baptized.  He will receive the priesthood this Sunday and be the only youth in the office of the Aaronic priesthood.  We were able to bring a few investigators to church on Sunday so that was good. Looks like Bri had a good time at her dance, and the graduation went well! Today we went to go eat some Birria tacos, I've got to eat all the tacos I can before I get back!!  Transfers are in two weeks but I'm pretty sure I'll be staying here, I'm good with it, I'm enjoying the branch! The few members there are make great sacrifices to serve the Lord, this last week there was only one person that came to church with a car and there were no other  priesthood holders so we had to take the tithing to the bank with the branch president but the bank was pretty far away.  The brother with the car gave us a ride to the bank but then he had to go and we walked back to the president's house, about an hour walk in the heat.  Sometimes we take for granted the little things in life, but I have learned a lot from the people here in Imperial, many of them live day to day, their worry is what they are going to eat that day. It's very humbling.  Sometimes I wish I could just build them all houses. Anyways, everything is good here, just taking advantage of the time I have left!  Thanks for everything family!  Have a great week!

Love Elder Jacob Johnson

Monday, June 1, 2015

June 1, 2015

 Our Sector

 Walking to baptism


Hey family, this week was good, had some cool experiences.  This week a member killed his pig, I was going to kill it but he decided to do it at midnight, who knows why, but we helped him prepare a little  bit and he had a get together there with the branch.  It was really good, lots of people went, they don't waste any part of the animal, they eat everything, all the skin, ears, and organs they put in a big pot and cook it.   I sent a picture, I'm not sure what I ate...but it was good. On Friday was the baptism of a boy named Angel, he's 8 years old, we had to walk to the stake center, about 1 hour walk to baptize him.  The people in the picture were the only ones at the baptism, there weren't many people but it was a very spiritual experience for me. This Sunday there were only 32 people that went to church and 9 were investigators that we brought. I gave a talk in sacrament meeting, blessed the sacrament and taught the gospel principles class and said the prayer in all three hours haha it's pretty crazy being in a small branch but I like it.  We have been able to see lots of progress this week. On Saturday we found a family of investigators, we taught the kids, age 19, 17 and 12, and on Sunday they came to church, it was neat because I was sitting on the front row in the church and just felt like I needed to get up and go to the back so I did and I went out the back door and our investigators were at the back gate but it was locked and they had started to walk away when I came out and saw them and they came in.  It's important to pay attention to the still small voice.  Anyways, everything is going good here, hope you all have a great week!!