Wednesday, May 27, 2015

May 25, 2015

found a rattle snake, took it home and skinned it!

Hey family,this week was good.  Ya mom, my comps foot is good now, we were able to work good this week, my leg is doing fine, and actually a guy came and fumigated our house so now we don't have fleas or anything so that's really nice.  I now know all the members of the branch, I really like it here in Imperial, I think it might be one of my favorite sectors just cause its up in the hills.  We were walking up in the hills the other day and found a rattle snake, I took it home and skinned it haha I sent some pics. This week a member of the branch is going to kill his pig and is going to have a get together, its a big pig, and he is going to let me kill it, we'll see how it goes. We were able to take 5 investigators to the church we went with an old investigator that had never gone to church and we went and taught him and he went to church on Sunday with his family, it was cool! We went to eat with the branch president on Sunday, the car ran out of gas half way there so we walked the rest of the way to his house, he is really funny. It's sad because everyone here suffers economically, there is a lot of poverty, I think we can say we are fulfilling the scripture of
Jeremiah 16:16  its discouraging because none of the couples here are married. Sounds like everything is going good at home.  Anyways, thanks for everything, have a great week, love you all!!!

Love Elder Jacob Johnson

Monday, May 18, 2015

May 18, 2015

Hey family, well here I am in Imperial, this week was alright, my companion had an ingrown toenail fixed a couple of weeks ago so he couldn't walk this week, so I spent most of the week in the house doing nothing, it was kind of boring, I was able to go out a little bit with a member I went on divisions with. There are no paved roads and it rained the other day, all day long and the roads just turn into rivers and nobody can do anything all day long. We went to the temple the other day and today to go to the doctor for my comps toe. Looks like we will be able to work this week. We were going to baptize a man this week but we found out that he had committed a grave sin and will have to send a letter to the first presidency so that's a bummer. The branch on Sunday there were about 30 people that went, its very small. President Garcia came to the branch on Sunday, that was interesting, we had an investigator and her son come to church, it was cool cause their house is very far and they walked all the way to the church. I fell in a hole the other day and scraped up my leg pretty good. It was a where they were digging a foundation and it was dark so I didn't see anything, about 4 ft deep the hole. Felt great. Took some pictures by the temple, its just about finished!! My comp is cool, he is from Tamaulipas Mexico, he has 15 months in the mission, its nice to be done training!! There are no garbage trucks here, we have to burn our trash haha its almost like were camping, its awesome! This sector is very poor, I have never been in a sector so humble but the people are more receptive!! Anyways thanks for everything family, hope you're doing great, have a good week!

 Ya today we had to go by the temple to a doctor so my comp could get the stitches taken out of his toe, hes from Tamaulipas Mexico, ya he speaks a lot of English. The store where we buy groceries is about half an hour away, we go in bus but they are short buses and they pack about 40 people in it haha the other day we were in the very back and when someone wanted to get out I had to open the emergency exit in the back to let them out. But the bus passes by a street by our house.

It was dark and I couldn't see anything and I forgot that they had dug a foundation hole there, about 4 ft deep and I stepped right into it, and my ribs hit the top, but it didn't hurt too bad.   Ya I found my backpack!! No its not that bad here mom, my comp was telling me that in his first sector somebody broke into their house in the night and robbed them haha but this area is pretty safe, you could say.  We are e-mailing from a little Internet cafe.

 Ya I brought the fleas with me but they aren't too bad, I think I've killed almost all of them, but a guy is coming over tomorrow to fumigate the house finally!!!  I found an earwig in my clothes the other day, but it was giant! about 5 times bigger than a normal earwig it was crazy.