Monday, November 24, 2014

November 24, 2014

Hey family, this week was good.  Well I just got changed to Mexicali again. I'm here in Bella Vista with Elder Laughenberg, he is from Idaho. I was kinda disappointed because I thought I was going to stay and we had a few people that were going to get baptized soon. They took us all out of the ward and are putting 2 new elders in. This week we were going to baptize Lupita and Marcos and in a couple weeks Luis and Santa.  The changes were really weird, but its alright.  Some of our investigators were pretty devastated,  I thought for sure I was going to stay.  No mom, they don't celebrate Thanksgiving here!  Bri's hair looks really short!! and no mom I haven't gotten your package yet, and I wouldn't wait til next week to send the package because they only go over the border every once in a while so if you don't send it now it probably won't get here before the zone conference in December...anyways thanks for everything family, hope you have a good week!

Love Elder Jacob Johnson

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November 10, 2014

Hey family, I'm doing great down here in Ensenada, I love it here!!  This week was good, it's getting a little bit colder now and the sun goes down at about 5. On Thursday we went and helped paint the house of a member out in Roble for a little bit and also we did some service for our neighbor, our land lord.  She is an older lady that is really wealthy and she had a lot of her friends over at her house.  She told us about some of them and I'm pretty sure I met some of the richest women in Baja California...  On Saturday we went  out to a colony clear out in the middle of nowhere, we just rode a little bus on a dirt road out to there, but it was good.  We found a few people that are really cool that we are going to start teaching. Then on Sunday I was able to stand in of the confirmation from the baptism last week!  Anyways hope everything went great in the wedding!! The pictures look great! I'm doing good down here!! Anyways have a great week!!   Thanks for everything!

Love Elder Jacob Johnson

Monday, November 3, 2014

November 3, 2014

Hey family, This week was good and bad, it's been a pretty crazy week, the weather has been pretty nice, its cooling down a bit, I can't believe it is snowing up there.  I have forgotten what snow is like.  Sounds like Halloween was normal, we had to be in our house by 6 and we were told the buses are pretty dangerous on Halloween.  Can't believe the wedding is this week, I hope everything turns out great, wish I could be there!! We had a baptism on Saturday and we had to bail all the water out of the font with a 5 gallon bucket that morning because they hadn't taken it out the last time they baptized and the pump broke, it was great haha.   I felt like I was working for dad again...then turns out they shut the water off here every day in the afternoon so the font was barely filling up, drop by drop but I finally filled up by the time of the baptism but everything went fine.  But there were some problems that happened and they ended up not getting confirmed on Sunday, so we have to make sure they get confirmed next Sunday.  It's been pretty stressful these last couple days. But I've been doing great!! Anyways have fun in the wedding!!!

Love Elder Jacob Johnson