Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 17, 2014

 mi amigo choy (chewy)

Hey family, this week was alright. We had a lot of trials and setbacks this week but at the same time we had some amazing experiences. On Saturday, Patty was finally able to be baptized.   That morning we went to her house and prayed with her mom that she would be able to be baptized and that afternoon they called us and said she was feeling fine so we went to Villa Fontana and baptized her! It was a great feeling to know that she was able to get baptized. On Sunday we had the baptism of Angel, he finally got married on 14 and was able to get baptized!  Elder Flores came back to baptize him, it was a neat experience! On Friday we had a zone conference in the morning, I got your package mom and from Gina and from grandma and Shelby but I couldn't carry them around all day so I left some of them there and the next time I go to the offices or next month I will get them but thanks!! After the conference, Elder Mejia came with me on exchanges in my sector, it was great, elder Mejia is my best friend from Mexicali and now he is my District Leader here in Tijuana! I learned a lot from him and he helped me out a lot! Besides that I've been pretty sick this week but not of my stomach but of my lungs.  I have a bad cough but I'm doing fine here. I hope you all have a fantastic week! Tell Jared and Jordan to e-mail me and send me some pictures please!!

Friday, February 14, 2014

February 10, 2014

Hey family,

Thanks for the e-mail mom and for the photos.  My companion is Elder Estrada.   He's from Hidalgo Mexico.  He's a really good elder, he has 6 months in the mission too but he works really hard.  I'm really excited to have a companion that will work really hard. Sounds like you got a lot of snow this week. I've been really sick again this week since Friday.  I'm pretty sure I have an infection again...I'm getting a little tired of being sick all the time but I guess that's just part of the experience.  This week was really good we've been working hard.  We have 2 baptisms this week, hopefully everything follows through. Anyways I have to go now, thanks for everything have great week!

Elder Johnson

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February 3, 2014

Hey family,

How are you all doing? Thanks for the update mom, sounds like you are doing good.  Today is transfers, I'm staying here in Lago but my companion is leaving so I'll be getting a new companion.  We have to go to Centro at 1 today to pick up my new companion. This week was pretty good except hardly none of our investigators came to the church on Sunday so that was a bummer. Thanks mom for sending me another package, I really appreciate your support and the support from everyone else.  Mom I sent you a letter, did you get it? This week I think we have a meeting with the Presiding Bishopric of the church, he is coming to our mission so that we'll be good.  We've just been trying to work with the ward here but its pretty rough.  pero ay vamos... nothing too crazy happened this week.  I'll send you some pictures mom, thanks for everything, have a fantastic week!!

Elder Jacob Johnson