Monday, March 24, 2014

March 24, 2014

Hey family! Happy Birthday Mom!!!!this week was pretty good. I got a new companion, they forgot to tell us we were getting changed until Monday when we were in the internet so we had to drop everything and go to the offices! My new companion is Elder Molina he has the same amount of time in the mission as I do. He's pretty quiet but its alright.  This week we worked really hard and were able to find a lot of new investigators and were able to accomplish alot! I finally took some time and went to the doctor because I lost my voice on Tuesday and Wednesday and was feeling pretty bad and so I went to some doctors office and he gave me some antibiotics and I'm feeling alot better now! I hope grandma is doing ok, tell her I said hi!! My old companion Elder Estrada is in Centro now training a new American haha.  The poor guy doesn't know any English! We are visiting a lot of families less active and this week we found a family that has a daughter that isn't baptized and we taught them and everything and when we returned the next time she told us that she prayed and received an answer that she needs to be baptized. It was a really neat experience because I was feeling pretty down because we didn't have very many investigators in the chapel in Sunday and it gave me encouragement to keep working hard and the Lord will touch the hearts of the people to accept the gospel. Anyways thanks for everything I also got your package this week cause we went to the offices is Monday! Thanks so much especially for the magazine of temples.  I'm going to give it to the family that just got baptized! and I'm not sure how it will go when I skype with you guys in May.  I'm forgetting how to speak English, I'll have to practice my English more haha anyways have a great week!

I shower in warm water now and we leave the house by 10:30, and get back at 9.  Yes I'm feeling better now, but ya please send some vitamin c and vitamins cause my immune system is weak still!

The food has been good, this week Hermana Pena cooked American food for us and it was great!  She cooked mashed potatoes and corn and chicken fried steak! I haven't eaten American food for so long it was really good!!
Elder Jacob Johnson

March 17, 2014

Hey family, the assistants just called us right now and I guess my companion is getting transferred and I'm staying here with a new companion or something.  We're not sure, they just called us right now but we have to go now. This area is definitely a trial of my faith. This last Sunday there was about 55 people in the sacrament meeting. This Sunday there was a little bit more but its hard cause the ward isn't progressing, in the ward council nobody showed up except for the bishop and us and our mission leader.  But my companion and I are going to make some serious plans and goals for this transfer.  It's hard to stay strong and keep working hard when you aren't seeing the success or the progression so its definitely a trial of my faith but we are going to keep working hard and doing all we can. This week we found a center of rehabilitation and they said we could come and teach them so on Thursday we went there and taught about 25 people in the rehab.  It was a neat experience! I felt the spirit strong! It reminded me of Christ in Mathew 9:11-12, anyways we have to go now, have a great week!
Elder Johnson

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 10, 2014

Hey family, this week was good.  I'm not as sick this week, I don't have a cough anymore.  No it hasn't rained this week.  It's actually been really really hot, I'm burning up down here.   I'm not sure how I'm going to make it through this summer. No mom we haven't had any meeting with the mission lately, and no I probably won't get to go to the temple in San Diego.   You only get to go if a family you baptized is getting sealed there and invite you or at the end of your mission.  But they are going to finish the temple here in about a year so hopefully I will be able to go to this one. We went to the temple on Monday, it was really neat experience.  I felt the spirit and it helped motivate me to keep working hard to find families that will progress and be able to enter the temple! Can't believe its Jordan's birthday tomorrow, happy birthday bro! I hope grandma is doing ok, we are praying for her! This week I gave a talk in sacrament meeting again, it went pretty good I think.  Transfers are this next Monday, chances are I will probably be leaving, idk, we'll see! Anyways thanks for everything, I hope you all have a  great week!!!!!

Elder Jacob Johnson

Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3, 2014

Hey family, this week was good, it was pretty crazy as usual but good.  We had a baptism of Emy, it was really sweet and the next day he bore his testimony in sacrament meeting.  It was awesome, I'm still a little sick, but I'm doing just fine.  This week there was a big storm and we had to go back to the house Friday afternoon cause it was raining hardcore and Saturday it was raining alot too! There was a ton of water in the streets there was one part of the street where there was like a river crossing the road and a car tried to cross it and got stuck and the car stalled cause there was water in the engine.  The water was pretty deep! We visited a ton of less actives families this week. I was really humbled this week when we visited a less active brother that didn't have any money he couldn't even afford to buy clean water to drink.  I shared a scripture with him and offered a prayer, he was crying, when we returned a couple days later he thanked me and said that what I said in the prayer was exactly what he needed to hear and asked us if we could give him a white shirt so he could go to church with us in  Sunday.  It's experiences like that that are awesome and give you strength to keep going, Anyways thanks for everything fam have a great week, please tell grandma to hang in there!!! I worry about her!

Elder Jake Johnson