Tuesday, February 24, 2015

February 23, 2014

Hey family, everything is going great! I'm still here in Rosarito.  I just got a new companion, his name is Elder Torres and he is from Aguas Calientes.  I'm training him, it's his first days here in the mission.  I never realized how hard it is to train haha but everything is going good.   I think I have bed bugs or something cause something is biting my legs all over.  Yesterday it started to rain pretty hard at night and we had a long way to walk back to the house haha it was a good welcome to the mission for my comp haha.  Anyways we had some cool experiences this week with some investigators and some new people we found.  I have come to see that the Lord is preparing the hearts of the people before we meet them!  Anyways hope everything is going good at home!!  Have a great week!!
Love Elder Johnson

Monday, February 2, 2015

February 2, 2015

Hey mom, my ankle is fine, it doesn't hurt me at all anymore, it only hurt me for a couple days.

Nothing too crazy happened this week, I'll send you some pics of the beach haha.  This week we visited a man that had just gotten shot a few times in the face and in the back in Tijuana a week ago but he's alright, it's a miracle that he's still alive.

He just got in a taxi and some guy came up to the window and just started firing, the taxi driver died. And I don't think you want to know all the things they call us haha but everyone calls me guero too, it means like blondie. The ward is good but none of the members live in our sector, there are about 110 active members, ya they support us good. and no we are just walking all the time, and we do laundry at a laundromat and ya we bought gas this week!

Alright thanks for everything mom, have a great week! love you all.

Elder Jacob Johnson