Monday, May 19, 2014

May 19, 2014

Hey family, This week was good but it's been super hot, on Wednesday and Thursday I'm pretty sure it was like 112,115 degrees. I've never felt heat like this in my life!! I can't even explain to you how hot it is. A member gave us a ride in the afternoon in their truck and the windows were down and it felt like someone had a blow dryer to your face haha and then we go to eat and were just sweating like crazy. I don't even hardly eat much now cause its so hot I don't have an appetite. The other day I saw a guy fall over in the street from heat stroke and he was unconscious. It's pretty crazy. No I don't need anything mom what you sent me for my feet will help me a lot I hope.  That's great grandpa got confirmed a high priest and that all you guys could be there with him.  Anyways this week was good, have a great week!! love you all

Elder Jacob Johnson

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May 12, 2014

A chihuahua named Chikis, everyone and their dang chihuahuas.... it looks like I'm punching it but I didn't!

Hey mom, it was great to see you guys yesterday.   I'm doing good down here.   Have a fantastic week!!

May 5, 2014

Hey family, This week was alright.  I'm just trying to stay alive down here with all the heat.  I've never experienced heat like this in my life and its not even summer yet.  Not quite sure what I'm gonna do about that...I'll try to send the photos again.   I'll be skyping on Sunday in the afternoon sometime, I'm not sure exactly when, probably after 3 I'm not sure. Sounds like you guys had a good week, this week I was just getting to know the members and the people here, the missionaries before me didn't leave much for me to work with so I have to start from the ground up again.  The ward is awesome and I'm excited to be able to work here. Elder Estrada actually didn't get sent home yet he's in the offices still but he will probably get sent home this week, they don't know yet. My companion now is Elder Chavez, he's from Monterrey. Our washing machine didn't work so I washed my clothes in a 5 gallon bucket, but this week we fixed the washing machine.  We live with the other missionaries too so there are 4 of us in the house. None of them are Americans so I don't have anyone to practice my English with... This week I went on exchanges with Elder McCracken, he was in my district in the MTC and now we are in the same ward.  His companion  has chicken pox and can't leave the house for 10 days, so I went and helped them out and we painted the inside of a house.   Elder McCracken and I, it was defiantly a Mexican paint job but that's alright. We live with the district leader, he's cool.   He's from Equador and he just came from being zone leader so I will be able to learn a lot from him. Anyways can't wait to talk with you guys this week, have a great week!!

 We have to ride a bus to the church and from the house we have to walk a little ways to the store.

Love Elder Johnson