Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 23, 2015

Hey family, this week was good. Just working hard down here with my trainee, everything is going great.  We were able to find a few people this week and bring many of them to church on Sunday so that was cool. Yesterday the stake president came to our ward to give a talk and he asked me to translate for him, so I got up to the pulpit with him and translated into English what he was saying, it was pretty neat.  We had a zone conference this week with president, it was good.  Yesterday after church we ate with a family called the family Marchan, they lived in Utah and got baptized there but then he got deported and they are living down here now.   But it was cool because the sister knows a family that we baptized their kids when they lived in Mexicali when I first got to the mission.  Besides that everything is normal.  The time is flying by.  We found a cool family this week of 5 and  they all went to church on Sunday except for the dad!  Anyways everything is good!  Thanks for everything family, have a great week!!

Love Elder Johnson

Monday, March 9, 2015

March 9, 2015

Hey family, everything is going good here in Rosarito.  This week was good, we did have the baptism of Sandra. She got married with Luis on Wednesday in the morning and got baptized on Wednesday night, I'll send some pictures.   Besides that it's just been a normal week, some cool experiences mom is that we are teaching an American guy that we found, his name is DJ, he's really cool, and he has gone a few times now to the church.  The other day I was humbled when a member less active asked us to go to their house to give a blessing to her little sister, she is about 5 years old and she has down syndrome.  She wanted me to bless her so she will be able to learn to talk, it's a family of about 8 and they live in an old little camper trailer.  It was a humbling experience to see the living conditions of the people and to see the trials that they are experiencing.   These people will receive their reward some day. We had kind of a funny experience this week.  We were walking down the street and we saw a lady digging a hole so we offered to help her, and I started digging the hole and asked her why she was digging a hole and she said to bury her dog haha so we helped her bury her dog and contacted her.  Anyways we've been working hard to contact 10 people every day and we are seeing some results from that.  My trainee is doing better I think, I don't think he wants to go home anymore, I hope not...  anyways thanks for everything fam, have a great week.
Love Elder Jacob